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Hello Member

Welcome to Air Extreme's Trampoline Academy members page. Here you will find all the latest information about our club and upcoming events and news. You will also be able to pay your term fees and soon order any new kit.


Air Extreme Academy

Our Trampoline Academy is a very friendly, nurturing environment and encourages new and experienced gymnasts alike to learn, experience, and achieve in safe and fun classes. 

We are a growing club with the squad and recreational classes at Air Extreme Trampoline Park in Barnstaple.  Our recreational classes for non-competitive bouncers include specific sessions aimed at juniors and adults. 

For gymnasts who wish to take their bouncing to the next level, we have a very healthy competitive squad with gymnasts competing at Regional and working towards National levels in Trampoline.  


Welcome to the Academy. 

Verity Rowlinson (Head Coach)

New Academy Members

All new members are required to complete the welcome form


Please click on the blue button to complete


Verity Rowlinson (Head Coach)

Academy Payment 

Each term all members are required to pay coaching fees for the coming weeks, depending on how long the term is. We base our sessions around School terms so it makes it very simple. We require your fees to be paid prior to your first coached session. 

We have made the process very simple now by clicking on the Available Date text below, your term fees will show in the booking box


  • Monday Sessions

  • Tuesday Sessions

  • Wednesday Sessions

  • Friday Sessions


Please select the day you attend and select 1 in the qty box



Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions


Contact Us:

Subscribe to our newsletter

01271 349806  |

1 Lauder Lane, Barnstaple, North Devon EX313TA

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@2017 by Air Extreme Ltd

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